Welcome to ICCP 2017!
Pre-congress movie: A Brief History of Psychotherapy
Post-congress movie: CBT - From Big Bang to an Integrative Point of View
ICCP2017 Congress in photos
The message of Professor Daniel David, President of the 9th Congress of the IACP
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an umbrella for a large number of evidence-based psychological treatments. CBT is therefore becoming the golden standard in the field of psychotherapy. This Congress will aim to: (1) present the state of the art applications of CBT in a large variety of clinical and non-clinical contexts; (2) present the latest research in the field with powerful clinical implications; (3) increase the internal cohesion of CBT, by moving the field from various “schools” to an integrative and multimodal approach; (4) promote CBT as the best platform for integrating psychotherapy in the evidence-based framework; and (5) stimulate frontier research in CBT and infuse CBT with frontier research from related fields.

I am delighted to be able to send my greetings to the delegates at the 9th IACP’s International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy. Although I am limited in travel, I am with you all in spirit. As I look back to the first organizational meeting, in Philadelphia, many decades ago, I realize how much progress has been made in the field of Cognitive Therapy (or Cognitive Behavior therapy, as it is widely titled). Starting with the earlier investigations and clinical trials for depression and anxiety, the field has expanded to include practically all of the common mental health problems. In fact, the earlier understandings and strategies associated with the cognitive approach have been widely utilized by individuals with everyday problems, including interpersonal conflicts. The same tools are being used today to understand and resolve international conflicts.
The original strategies and techniques of cognitive therapy have also expanded beyond the basic principle focus on cognitive errors and the application of reason to them. For many conditions, such as severe mental illness, the clients are not able to utilize the reasoning techniques. Nonetheless, we have found that guided corrective experiences can serve the same purpose of negating erroneous beliefs. Further, these experiences help to mobilize the positive, forward-looking aspect of the personality and facilitate the return to mental health. Indeed, the increasing focus on values and aspirations has also found a more general application.
In closing, I trust that the participants will appreciate all of the work that Dr. Daniel David and his committee have done in organizing this conference and will integrate the wonderful presentations.
Please check the site regularly for updates and unplanned changes.
The 9th edition of the International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy is organized under the auspices of The Romanian MInistry of Education and Scientific Research.