Abstract Submission Guidelines






All abstracts for the ICCP2017 must be submitted through the dedicated form on the Congress’ website. Each submitting author must first create an account on the website and log in in order to access the submission form. The submission form will be then available under the “My Account” menu.

Abstracts should have no more than 300 words, should be written in English, and should offer sufficient details to assess the scientific contribution to the broad field of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. As a guiding rule, abstracts presenting an empirical study should cover the following: (1) key theoretical points that the research is based on, (2) methodology employed (i.e., study design, sample, main variables/outcomes measured, procedure/treatment(s) employed), (3) relevant results and (4) a brief discussion of the results in light of the literature, followed by concluding remarks.

Each abstract should be submitted under a specific track/topic from the list bellow. Authors are invited to choose the topic that is most closely related to their study. However, the scientific committee might decide to group a study with others from related topics, if the committee decides that this is more appropriate and fits better in the scientific program.

One author can submit multiple abstracts under the same or different categories and tracks. The submitting author will not be automatically considered presenter, or first author. Thus, when submitting an abstract is necessary to first specify the presenting author, and then all the other authors in the desired order, including the presenting author. Presenting authors must be fully registered by 31st of May 2017 in order for the abstract to be included in the final version of the scientific program.

Abstract types:

The congress is accepting three types of abstracts:

  • Symposia abstracts. The symposium chiar(s) must first submit a generic abstract describing the main topics covered in the symposium, and how the different presentations included contribute to a deeper understanding of the new advances in the field. The chair(s) must also specify at least one discussant. After this generic submission of the symposium, all the other individual papers must be submitted as part of this symposium, by indicating the title of the symposium in the submission form. Each symposium should have at least three individual presentations of about 15 to 20 minutes each.
  • Open papers. Open papers are individual abstracts that do not belong to a parent symposium at submission, but they will be grouped based on the topic and relevance in specific symposia and/or open paper sessions by the scientific committee. Each open paper will have about 15 to 20 minutes for presentation.
  • Poster presentations. Poster abstracts should be submitted for research that is in early development and for which only tentative evidence is available at this point. The scientific committee might also decide that some symposia papers or open papers are more appropriate for the poster sessions.

Relevant dates and deadlines for abstract submission:

  • Submission opening for all type of abstracts: February 5th 2016
  • Deadline for submitting symposia and symposia papers: February 20th 2017
  • Deadline for submitting open papers: March 16th 2017
  • Deadline for submitting poster abstracts: March 16th 2017

Scientific tracks:

  • Alcohol & Substance Use and Addictions
  • Anger Problems
  • Anxiety
  • Attachment Problems
  • Behavior Addictions
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Child, Adolescent & Youth Mental Health
  • Cognitive-behavioral coaching
  • Comorbidity
  • Couples & Relationship Problems
  • Depression
  • Diversity, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity
  • Eating Disorders, Body Image, Obesity
  • E-mental health and E-therapy
  • Ethics
  • Family Relations & Domestic Violence
  • Forensic Populations
  • Gambling
  • Health & Chronic Medical Disorders
  • Neuroscience
  • Obsessive Compulsive & Related Disorders
  • Pain, Injuries & Rehabilitation
  • Personality Disorder
  • Positive Psychology, Wellbeing & Happiness
  • Psychosis, Schizophrenia and Severe Mental Illness
  • Sexual Difficulties
  • Sleep
  • Sport Psychology and Performance Issues
  • Stress and coping
  • Suicide
  • Training & Supervision
  • Transdiagnostic
  • Trauma, PTSD and Grief
  • Other

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